About me
I'm a seasoned software engineer based in the Silicon Valley where I specialize in interactive computer graphics and visualizations. I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and a Master's degree in Computer Science from CSU Chico and 20 years of experience with professional and open source software development.

Professional Experience
Senior Software Engineer, 3D Visualizations

Primary developer of the company's 3D visualization tools, which enable users to visualize data collected from our propriatary phased-array radar systems interactively. Applications included conjunction visualizations using volume rendering, rocket launch tracking, and real-time visualization of objects in low-earth orbit.
Senior Software Engineer, Simulation

Worked to enhance and extend the company's internal simulation software, used to perform continual virtual regression testing on the company's autonomous driving systems. Implemented numerous upgrades to the onboard visualization software including real-time LIDAR point-cloud rendering and meshing algorithms to improve the fidelity of scene geometry. The company has since been acquired by Apple.
Senior Software Engineer, Graphics & Web

Was a primary contributor (in both design and implementation) to the company's flagship consumer-facing product, Showcase, a WebGL-based viewer of models of real-world spaces (demo). Additionally I helped design, architect, and implement a scalable, modular Javascript/WebGL framework that is used across multiple applications within the company.
Software Engineer, Games

Worked on multiple first-party titles using the Unity 3D game engine. My contributions included (among other things) the development of enemy and player systems, scene management, asset bundle management, 2D and 3D GUIs, Cg shaders, post-processing effects, and optimization of the Unity 3D rendering pipeline.
Research intern, NASA Ames

Worked with massively parallel high performance computing on GPUs using Nvidia CUDA. My work there required me to become well versed in GPU architecture concepts and principles, and piqued my interest in the programmable component of the 3D graphics pipeline.

Open-Source Work

Lightweight JavaScript-based 3D library for the web. It utilizes the WebGL API for back-end rasterization and adds a plethora for features on top of it. I have worked on features for the library such as shadow mapping, as well as personal open source projects that utilize it.
Core Graphics Engine

Core is my latest personal graphics engine. It is written in C++, and is designed so that it can be extended to work with multiple graphics APIs (OpenGL, DirectX, etc...). Features include physically-based rendering, dynamic shadows, skeletal animation, and more.
Constructive Solid Geometry Framework

CSG is a modeling technique that allows for the use of boolean and set operations on geometric solids in order to create new solids. The goal of this porject is a personal library/framework to provide this functionality for various graphics engines.